[호주유학] QUT Master in IT SEM2
3월부터 나의 두 번째 학기가 시작된다. (2021년 1학기)
첫 번째 학기는 8개 의 기본적인 수업을 들었다.
두 번째 학기부터는 전공을 정하고 전공에 따라 elective를 선택할 수 있다.
8개의 세부 전공 항목에 대한 디테일은 학교 홈페이지에 있다.
여러 전공 중에서 마지막까지 고민한 전공은 두 가지였는데
Softweare Development와 computer Science majour이었다.
둘 중에 큰 차이점은 Softwaere Development Majour는 딱 두 가지 의 elective (가장 기본적인 것들만)를 선택할 수 있고 그 외 수업들은 커리큘럼이 빠져 있고
+Software Dev의 elective가 왜 기본적이라고 설명했냐면, elective는 두 번째 학기에서만 고를 수 있다. 즉, Prerequisites가 있는 수업들 ex) IFN680 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 같은 경우 이수업을 듣기 위해 IFN509 or IFQ509 을 들어야 한다.
Prerequisites 요구조건들을 모두 채워도 두 번째 학기 이후 elective를 고를 수 없기 때문에, Software Dev의 커리큘럼을 따라간다면 elective는 매우 한정적인 것 같다.
Computer Science는 좀 더 여러 가지의 elective 들을 수 있다. Computer science 전공의 elective들은 Software Dev의 eelctive들보다 좀 더 깊이 있는 수업들을 들을 수 있는 것 같다. 종류도 여러 개이고, 여러 학기 동안 elective를 고를 수 있기때문...
자세한 건 학교 홈페이지나 , pdf를 참고해서 정하면 될 거 같다.
그래서 이번 학기는 수업을 4개를 듣게 되었다.
IFN541 Information Security Management (선택)
IFN561 Enterprise Systems Lifecycle Management (선택)
IFN591 Principles of User Experience (필수)
IFN563 Object-Oriented Design (필수 반학기) &IFEN564 Data Structures and Algorithms(필수 반학기)
IFN541 Information Security Management (선택)
첫 번째 학기 IFN553 보안 관련 수업 기반
you will learn how careful planning, implementation and improvement of information security controls in the areas of people, process and technology can be an enabling force to help organizations achieve their business goals.
Learning Outcome :
- Apply an understanding of the importance of people, process and technology in information security controls (CLO2)
- Apply an understanding of how vulnerability management contributes to information security risk management (CLO1)
- Apply a best-practice approach to perform information security risk management. (CLO1, CLO3)
- Define a security incident, and describe the roles and processes required in incident response. (CLO5)
- Perform initial risk assessments of information systems. (CLO 1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO6)
Assessment :
- Assessment 1: Problem-Solving Task
- Assessment 2: Report
- Assessment 3: Final Exam
쉽다고들엇는데 기말고사가 있었네....
IFN561 Enterprise Systems Lifecycle Management (선택)
It provides students with fundamental skills that business analysts or IT managers are required to have in order to be able to analyze business strategies, evaluate how information systems may enable enterprises to achieve strategic objectives, and understand how such an information system can be developed and implemented within an enterprise
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit you will be able to:
- Learn and develop skills to identify technical and socio-economic foundations of enterprise systems and explain their use in different corporate settings. (CLO1)
- Define, analyze, and devise IT strategies and elaborate how an enterprise system supports a company (CLO2)
- Identify, address and present your team's interim analysis of the limitations and barriers of enterprise and engage in effective professional and scholarly communication. (CLO5)
- Present enterprise system analysis results in a professional manner and address selected concerns regarding technology trends. (CLO6)
IoT 관련 수업의 pre requisit이라서 선택했는데 programming 쪽보다는 businesss/ information analsis 쪽인 것 같다.
잘못 골랐나....
Assessment :
AssessmentAssessment 1: Solution Proposal
Assessment 2: Request for Proposal
Assessment 3: Case Study
IFN591 Principles of User Experience (필수)
In this introduction to User Experience you will learn methods and theories to understand and characterize what experiences matter to people, to generate ideas and create prototypes, and to evaluate the experiences that people have with technology prototypes.
이거는 지금 만들고 있는 web/app등에도 쓸 수 있는 수업인 것 같다. 필수라서 그런지 중요하기도 한 것 같고...
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit you will be able to:
- Apply methods and theories to study people and technologies in real-world contexts (CLO2)
- Create design specifications, ideas, and prototypes from real-world insights (CLO3)
- Evaluate the usability and user experience of interactive technology and be aware of the strengths and limitations of the evaluation (CLO2, CLO6)
- Work in a collaborative, ethical, and honest manner (CLO4, CLO6)
- Apply communication skills to create professional deliverables through reports, presentations and visual media (CLO5)
Assessment :
Assessment 1: User Experience Research Proposal
Assessment 2: User Experience Definition
Assessment 3: User Experience Evaluation
이거 assessment가 쫌 빡새 보이는 것 같은데, research proposal + prototype + repport인 것 같다.
IFN563 Object-Oriented Design (필수 반학기) &IFN564 Data Structures and Algorithms(필수 반학기)
위 두 가지 수업은 각각 한 달짜리 수업으로 두 개 합쳐서 12 credit짜리
IFN563 Object-Oriented Design
저번 학기 IFN556에서 배운 것처럼 C# 수업 + prograrming assignment
Assessment 1: Problem Solving Task
Assessment 2: Design Project
저번 IFN 556 숙제도 어려웠는데 다음 주까지 복습이라도 조금 해야겠다...
C# 싫은데...
IFN564 Data Structures and Algorithms
Data Structure 에 관한 수업
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit you will be able to:
- 1. Implement and use a number of common data structures for lists, stacks, queues, binary seach trees and trees (CLO1 and CLO3).
- 2. Understand and implement commonly used algorithms for searching, sorting and processing lists, stacks, queues, binary search trees and trees (CLO1 and CLO3)
- 3. Apply commonly used data structures and algorithms to solve real world software problems (CLO3 and CLO7)
- 4. Analyse the computational efficiency of algorithms - as expressed using big-O notation - and understand the significance of polynomial complexity (CLO2 and CLO5 and CLO6)
Assessment 1: Project (Applied)
Assessment 2: Final theory exam
수업은 4과목 모두 recorded lecture라서 아무 때나 들어도 상관없고 tutorial은 월 화 목 real time 인 것 같다.
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