호주 유학생 입국 제한 뉴스 3월 22 일 -28일
호주 유학생 입국 제한 뉴스 3월 22 일 -28일
International students are leaving Australian universities in droves, and yet the federal government is simply looking the other way, Tahmina Rashid writes.
This border closure impacted international students too, and so Australian universities lost a major source of revenue. As a result, Universities Australia estimates that 17,300 jobs will be lost across Australian universities during the pandemic.
This is compounded by the fact that Australian universities have had very little support from the federal government. Unlike charities and businesses, which had to show a drop in revenue over a one-month or one-quarter period to receive assistance, universities were required to show a drop over a six-month period.
Raw data on international students in 2020 indicates a total loss of 882,482 enrolments across the sector, with higher education making up 418,168 of these.
As 30 per cent of Australia’s 542,106 student visa holders are still stranded outside Australia, especially in China, India, and Vietnam, their absence has been felt in other sectors such as the housing market – thousands of apartment buildings remained empty for much of 2020. This meant that apartments previously accommodating thousands of students were no longer a viable investment, pushing owners to sell at a price lower than previous years
Students aren’t alone in this either – the CEO of the industry group International Education Association of Australia criticised prioritising tennis and cricket players over international students. Many international students believe that Australians have very little understanding of the contributions made by international students and often see them as numbers, ignoring that not only how useful the fees they pay are to Australian universities but also how their living expenses, skills development, and relationships built across the globe benefit both Australia and their home countries.
Some state governments are considering pilot projects to bring back international students in 2021, and these should go ahead. While similar attempts by South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory in 2020 were shelved, 63 international students from China, Hong Kong, Japan, Vietnam, and Indonesia were allowed to travel to Darwin to study in Charles Darwin University, boosting the local economy.
International students in Australia’s new normal - Policy Forum
International students are leaving Australian universities in droves, and yet the federal government is simply looking the other way, Tahmina Rashid International students are leaving Australian universities in droves, and yet the federal government is sim
Return to Australia: Government works on reopening international borders for temporary visa holders
Australian Immigration Minister Alex Hawke said the government is planning to allow international students' return to Australia as quickly as possible.
위 뉴스는 맨날 읽는 , 빨리 유학생 데리고 오라는 뉴스 중에하나라서 딱히 번역해서 가지고오진않앗다. 계속 이렇게 긍정적인 뉴스만 보다가 부정적인 뉴스도 하나 가지고왔다.
Indian international students may not return to Australia in large numbers in 2021: Alan Tudge
Federal Education Minister Alan Tudge has said that international students may not be able to return to Australia in significant numbers this year, amidst uncertainty around the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and escalation in cases in many countries around
Federal Education Minister Alan Tudge has said that international students may not be able to return to Australia in significant numbers this year, amidst uncertainty around the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and escalation in cases in many countries around the world.
International students may not return to Australia in large numbers in 2021: Alan Tudge
The return of international students from India will depend on the vaccine regime in their country
Minister Tudge ruled out the possibility of setting up a travel bubble with India
연방 교육부 장관 알란 Tudge은 국제 학생들 호주에 많은 수가 올해 COVID-19 백신의 효능과 경우에 이 세계의 많은 나라들 확대에 불확실성 속에 복귀할 수 있을 아닐 수 있다고 말했다.
국제 학생은 호주에 2021년에 큰 숫자:알란 Tudge에 돌아오지 않을 수 있다.
인도에서 온 국제적인 학생의 대가들은 그 나라에서 가장 백신 체제에 달려 있다.
장관 Tudge 인도와 여행 거품을 설정의 가능성을 배제했다.
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