[Javascript] 노마드코더바닐라 JS로 크롬 앱 만들기 1
일전에 블로그에 소개했던 코딩 유튜버 중에 한분이다.
이번 겨울방학 동안 javascript를 독파하기위해
자바스크립트 기본강의를 노마드코더를 통해서 공부할려고한다.
강의는 모두 영어로해줘서 더좋음.
왜 fuck은 한글자막 안달아주냐
Introduction :
We are going to make a chrome app called momentum; background pic + name + todo list in the new tab of chrome
What is javascript ?
- to make an interactive website
- only language for FE
1.1 Impact js
- game
1.2 ECMA script
Ecma specification -
Vanilla javascript - javascript without any framework/libray
raw javascript -
should learn this first so you knw how to use all the framework /library in the future
1.3 Vanilla JS
this is the basic of JS so you need to learn this - and its super fast
Use repl.it for the small project
dont need to download just open up in the browser
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<h1> Skyler is here </h1>
<script src="script.js"></script>
html에서 js파일 추가하는법은 위와같고 혹은그냥
<script> js 내용 </script> 로 할수있다.
all the prgramming languge has similar concept - variable, array , if - ,loop stuff you learn from here
1.6 Variable
a =211
b = a -5
// when you create variabe
// create variable -> initializing -> use
let a= 211;
let b= a - 5;
//use let when for initializing the vairable
1.7 let , const , var
const a = 221;
// constant not changeable variable
var b= a-5;
// variable = var same as let
1.8 Data Types
const a = "fuck";
const b = true; //or false
//number (c = number / d= float )
const c = 555;
const d = 10.5;
1.9 Data Array
// Array and object
// carmelcase variable name
const daysOfWeek = ["mon","tue","wed","thur","fri",true];
1.10 Object
const info = {name:"skyler",age:"30",gender:"male",
favMovies:[{movieName: "harry potter and soccer's stone", star: 5}]};
// you can put array inside the object
info.gender ="female"
// const but you can change the value inside of object.
'IT > Web Programming' 카테고리의 다른 글
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