[Javascript] 노마드코더바닐라 JS로 크롬 앱 만들기 1
노마드 코더 Nomad Coders
코딩은 진짜를 만들어보는거야!. 실제 구현되어 있는 서비스를 한땀 한땀 따라 만들면서 코딩을 배우세요!
일전에 블로그에 소개했던 코딩 유튜버 중에 한분이다.
이번 겨울방학 동안 javascript를 독파하기위해
자바스크립트 기본강의를 노마드코더를 통해서 공부할려고한다.
강의는 모두 영어로해줘서 더좋음.
왜 fuck은 한글자막 안달아주냐
Introduction :
We are going to make a chrome app called momentum; background pic + name + todo list in the new tab of chrome
What is javascript ?
- to make an interactive website
- only language for FE
1.1 Impact js
- game
1.2 ECMA script
Ecma specification -
Vanilla javascript - javascript without any framework/libray
raw javascript -
should learn this first so you knw how to use all the framework /library in the future
1.3 Vanilla JS
this is the basic of JS so you need to learn this - and its super fast
Use repl.it for the small project
dont need to download just open up in the browser
The collaborative browser based IDE
Repl.it is a simple yet powerful online IDE, Editor, Compiler, Interpreter, and REPL. Code, compile, run, and host in 50+ programming languages: Clojure, Haskell, Kotlin, QBasic, Forth, LOLCODE, BrainF, Emoticon, Bloop, Unlambda, JavaScript, CoffeeScript,
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<h1> Skyler is here </h1>
<script src="script.js"></script>
html에서 js파일 추가하는법은 위와같고 혹은그냥
<script> js 내용 </script> 로 할수있다.
all the prgramming languge has similar concept - variable, array , if - ,loop stuff you learn from here
1.6 Variable
a =211
b = a -5
// when you create variabe
// create variable -> initializing -> use
let a= 211;
let b= a - 5;
//use let when for initializing the vairable
1.7 let , const , var
const a = 221;
// constant not changeable variable
var b= a-5;
// variable = var same as let
1.8 Data Types
const a = "fuck";
const b = true; //or false
//number (c = number / d= float )
const c = 555;
const d = 10.5;
1.9 Data Array
// Array and object
// carmelcase variable name
const daysOfWeek = ["mon","tue","wed","thur","fri",true];
1.10 Object
const info = {name:"skyler",age:"30",gender:"male",
favMovies:[{movieName: "harry potter and soccer's stone", star: 5}]};
// you can put array inside the object
info.gender ="female"
// const but you can change the value inside of object.
'IT > Web Programming' 카테고리의 다른 글
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