[TIL] 0728

IT/TIL(Today I Learnt)|2022. 7. 28. 21:31

Today I Learnt 

0728 :



basic SQL :


fundamental SQL queries

design schema

DB ? Any collection of related information ex) phone book, shopping list ,

DBMS : Data base management system

makes it easy to manage large amounts of information

handles security


importing/exporting data

CRUD : create , read ,update,delete : main operations

TWO main types of DB :
relsational database (SQL) : mySQL, oracle, postgressQL, mariaDB,

non relational(noSQL) : MongoDB , dynamoDB, firebase …

SQL language (structured QUery language) for interacting with RDBMS

Database Queries :

write the queries in SQL



primary key and farieng key to represent different relationship

primary key : uniquely define the row

surrogate key ? : type of key not mapping to anything in real world

natural key : ssn. . it is mapping to real world

forieng key : attribute that connect to other table

it stores the primary key of another table

composit key : made up by two columns(two forieng keys) for the primarykey , only together become a primary key



SQL is consisted by 4types of language

DQL (data query Languge) : use to query the database. get info from db

DDL (data definition langue ) : defining database schema

DCL(data control langue) : this user can do what / control access to the date. , user permission

DML (data manipulation language) : use ti insert update ,delete data from db

Queries :

set of instructions give n to RDBMS to tell which info you want to retrieve.



Main data types:

INT. : integer , any whole number

DECIMAL(M,N) : decimal M=total number of digit , N = is total number of digit

ex) DECIMAL(10,4)

VARCHAR(1) : string of text length of 1 (maximum length is 1)

BLOB: binary data




SQL : 

CREATE TABLE student (

    student_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    studentName VARCHAR(32),
    major VARCHAR(20)


DESCRIBE student;
to see the student table

// drop the table 
DROP TABLE tableName

// add the column
ALTER TABLE student ADD gpa DECIMAL(3,2);
// drop the column

//Adding new row 
INSERT INTO student VALUES(1,'Jack', 'Biology');

//choose all the students 
SELECT * FROM student;

//adding only two attributes 
INSERT INTO student(student_id, studentName) VALUES(4,'Skyler');

//not null and UNIQUE

CREATE TABLE student (

    student_id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    studentName VARCHAR(32) UNIQUE,
    major VARCHAR(20)


// auto increment
CREATE TABLE student (
    student_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT,
    studentName VARCHAR(32),
    major VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT 'Undecided',

    PRIMARY KEY(student_id)

INSERT INTO student(student_id, studentName) VALUES(4,'Skyler');

// change blio to bio
Update Student 
SET major= 'Bio'
WHERE major = 'Bilo'

// if major is bio or chem. then change to money 
Update Student
SET major = 'Money'
WHERE major = 'Bio' or major = 'Chem';

//change multiple columns
Update Student
SET studentName="The King", major="History"
WHERE student_id=1;

//delete if the student id is 4
WHERE student_id = 4;

//delet all the student 
Delete FROM student;

//select all the student

SELECT * FROM student

// descending order from major
SELECT studentName,major FROM student

// get studentName and major list  if the student major in ICT
SELECT studentName, major
FROM student
WHERE major = 'ICT';

// <> not equal
// if the student major is not in ICT
SELECT studentName, major
FROM student
WHERE major <> 'ICT';

//select student who is in major  Blio or ICT but the student number is bigger than2;

SELECT studentName, major
FROM student
WHERE major IN ('Blio', 'ICT') AND student_id >2;







PopSQL - Collaborative SQL editor for teams - Download our SQL tool for Mac, Windows, and Linux

PopSQL is used by data analysts, product managers, customer success, operations, and anyone that wants to write SQL. Learn more





한국인 개발자 밋업 : 

IT에 관심이있거나 개발자로일하시는 한인분들의 개발자 모임: 


Korean Developer Association 



호주 한인 개발자 모임 - 2022년 4월 모임

호주에 거주하는 한인 개발자들의 모임입니다




Making pdf file : 


npm @pdfme

for easy making invoice or something template based

you can put the data on the existing pdf.

text and image only

it is good for invoice , forms are good to use.

usage :

react front page → get data → put it in the pdf format → print and use

you need template pdf.

you can change your own invoice bill → template

npm pdfme/UI

playwright - (HTML based) Microsoft

the biggest is pdfmaker / pdfkit

you can build whole pdf from the beginning


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