[TIL] 0728
Today I Learnt
0728 :
basic SQL :
fundamental SQL queries
design schema
DB ? Any collection of related information ex) phone book, shopping list ,
DBMS : Data base management system
makes it easy to manage large amounts of information
handles security
importing/exporting data
CRUD : create , read ,update,delete : main operations
TWO main types of DB :
relsational database (SQL) : mySQL, oracle, postgressQL, mariaDB,
non relational(noSQL) : MongoDB , dynamoDB, firebase …
SQL language (structured QUery language) for interacting with RDBMS
Database Queries :
write the queries in SQL
primary key and farieng key to represent different relationship
primary key : uniquely define the row
surrogate key ? : type of key not mapping to anything in real world
natural key : ssn. . it is mapping to real world
forieng key : attribute that connect to other table
it stores the primary key of another table
composit key : made up by two columns(two forieng keys) for the primarykey , only together become a primary key
SQL is consisted by 4types of language
DQL (data query Languge) : use to query the database. get info from db
DDL (data definition langue ) : defining database schema
DCL(data control langue) : this user can do what / control access to the date. , user permission
DML (data manipulation language) : use ti insert update ,delete data from db
Queries :
set of instructions give n to RDBMS to tell which info you want to retrieve.
Main data types:
INT. : integer , any whole number
DECIMAL(M,N) : decimal M=total number of digit , N = is total number of digit
ex) DECIMAL(10,4)
VARCHAR(1) : string of text length of 1 (maximum length is 1)
BLOB: binary data
CREATE TABLE student (
student_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
studentName VARCHAR(32),
major VARCHAR(20)
DESCRIBE student;
to see the student table
// drop the table
DROP TABLE tableName
// add the column
ALTER TABLE student ADD gpa DECIMAL(3,2);
// drop the column
//Adding new row
INSERT INTO student VALUES(1,'Jack', 'Biology');
//choose all the students
SELECT * FROM student;
//adding only two attributes
INSERT INTO student(student_id, studentName) VALUES(4,'Skyler');
//not null and UNIQUE
CREATE TABLE student (
studentName VARCHAR(32) UNIQUE,
major VARCHAR(20)
// auto increment
CREATE TABLE student (
studentName VARCHAR(32),
major VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT 'Undecided',
PRIMARY KEY(student_id)
INSERT INTO student(student_id, studentName) VALUES(4,'Skyler');
// change blio to bio
Update Student
SET major= 'Bio'
WHERE major = 'Bilo'
// if major is bio or chem. then change to money
Update Student
SET major = 'Money'
WHERE major = 'Bio' or major = 'Chem';
//change multiple columns
Update Student
SET studentName="The King", major="History"
WHERE student_id=1;
//delete if the student id is 4
WHERE student_id = 4;
//delet all the student
Delete FROM student;
//select all the student
SELECT * FROM student
// descending order from major
SELECT studentName,major FROM student
// get studentName and major list if the student major in ICT
SELECT studentName, major
FROM student
WHERE major = 'ICT';
// <> not equal
// if the student major is not in ICT
SELECT studentName, major
FROM student
WHERE major <> 'ICT';
//select student who is in major Blio or ICT but the student number is bigger than2;
SELECT studentName, major
FROM student
WHERE major IN ('Blio', 'ICT') AND student_id >2;
한국인 개발자 밋업 :
IT에 관심이있거나 개발자로일하시는 한인분들의 개발자 모임:
Korean Developer Association
Making pdf file :
npm @pdfme
for easy making invoice or something template based
you can put the data on the existing pdf.
text and image only
it is good for invoice , forms are good to use.
usage :
react front page → get data → put it in the pdf format → print and use
you need template pdf.
you can change your own invoice bill → template
npm pdfme/UI
playwright - (HTML based) Microsoft
the biggest is pdfmaker / pdfkit
you can build whole pdf from the beginning
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