[TIL] 0725 Interview Prep

IT/TIL(Today I Learnt)|2022. 7. 25. 22:46

Today I Learnt 


0725 :





Javascript :


How does javascript work ?

It is a single thread but it Support CONCURENCCY work 

memory heap , all the memory allocation ,

call stack all the function goes to stack first.  

and things that takes time (Web API : ajax , set time out, DOM, event listen )  goes to callback Queue 

and when the call stack is EMPTY , then things from queue goes up to stack. (BY EVENT LOOP)




Class & prototype


Class Car(brand,model){

	this.brand = brand
    this.model = model


const ferrariF430 =new car('ferrari' 'f430')

Prototype ?  // it is like DNA 

array.prototype.customeFunction = function customeFunction(){}



Two ways to delete the data of the table in SQL

delete and truncate. Delete is DML command truncate is DML command 



자바스크립트의 동작원리: 엔진, 런타임, 호출 스택

(번역) 자바스크립트가 엔진에서 어떻게 돌아가나? 런타임과 호출 스택 해부


DML in SQL ?

DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements are the element in the SQL language that is used for data retrieval and manipulation. Using these statements you can perform operations such as: adding new rows, updating and deleting existing rows, merging tables and so on.


DDL in SQL ?

Data Definition Language(DDL) is a subset of SQL and a part of DBMS(Database Management System). DDL consist of Commands to commands like CREATE, ALTER, TRUNCATE and DROP. These commands are used to create or modify the tables in SQL.




DDL, DML, DCL 차이 정리

위 세가지 SQL 개념은 시험에 자주 나오는데, 약자를 모르면 헤깔리고 "나는 사실 아는 개념인데, 용어...




why ?


TDD can reduce bugs and act as a code document.


when someone changes the code in the future, it can guide the engineer to fix/ modify the existing code.




Why TDD (Test Driven Development) ?

Have you ever work in a Tech Company and you found out code that you don’t understand because of incomplete test ? or even the worst part…



Infastrcture as code ?

Terraform ?  


you can make ec2 instance only with your cli ? 

  • Create repeatable version-controlled configurations
  • Integrate them as a part of the CI/CD pipeline
  • Automate the infrastructure management




What is Infrastructure as Code with Terraform? | Terraform - HashiCorp Learn

Learn how infrastructure as code lets you safely build, change, and manage infrastructure. Try Terraform.




What Is Terraform? Terraform & Its IaC Role Explained





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