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[C#] QUT - IFN 555 Lecture Note :

IT/Programming|2021. 3. 11. 09:35

QUT IFN555 Leucure Note :


 IFN555 수업 노트

IFN563 Object Oriented Design 수업을 듣는데 너무 어려워서 처음부터 다시 복습하려고 작년에 들은 IFN555복습 및 lecture note.   Blackboard에는 tutorial   video 는없고 lecture 만 남아잇다.





IFN555 :  C# review

Week 1 : A first C# program
Week 2 : Using Data
Week 3 : Making Decisions
Week 4 : Using Looping Structures
Week 5 : Using Arrays

Lecrture 1 

WHat is the programming process :
    Designing instruction to tell the computer what to do

     Software :   1.  Systsem software   : OS
                  2.   Application software: allow the user to do what they want

     Hardware :  Physical device -

     Machine language - expressed by 0 and 1 ;
     High-level programming language (C#, python , Java ... ): use a reasonable key word like "read" ,"write" and "add"
                                       Allow user to locate the memory
                                       Each high-level language has its own syntax
                                       Use correct programming logic - 

     compiler translates high-level language to machine language

Procedural and Object-Oriented programming :

Procedural (component-oriented) programming: creates and names computer memory locations that can hold values (varibles) that are referenced by using a one-word name
                         Write a sereis of steps of operations  - lot variables  - lots steps  
                         Procdeures or Methodes :  grouping variables methodes


Object-oriented programming (OOP) :  etensio nof procedural programming ; focues on objects that contatins the variables
                                      Objects :   ex) bank account ;
                                                 property (attributes) : represent its characterisitcs
                                                 behavior (methode) : things the object does

                                        Joyce Farrell :
                                                             Calss : Category of thing 
                                                            class Name:   Videoo
                                                            Attribute :   title , running time 
                                                            Methoude :   create(), play()

                                            Common features :
                                                                 inheritance :  it inehrit all the property of its parents  
                                                                 encapsulation : ability to contain all the attributes and methods  in one package
                                                                 polymorphism : ability of different objects work properly based on its data type  


        inheritance :  it inehrit all the property of its parents  




Writing a C# progarm that produces output :

    Literal String :  ""
    Argument :   inside parenthesis (bracket)
    Methoudes  :
    Namespace :  group similar classes  , inside of Namesapce lots of classes
    Methode header:  static void 
    Methode body :   between {}
    whitespace : combinations of space / tab => organize code
    Keyword :  such as void
    Methode name is Main() ;  application calsses

    if they dont have main() then its non-application class

    void : return type 

Selecting Identifiers :

    how to select identifiers in C#

    identifiers are names for program components - class , namespaces , variables , objects, methods es,

    classes,methods, and namespaces start with uppercase letter :
    no space betwwen whitespace , only letters, digits , @ ,
    no cant be C# reserved , and importand words like such , delete ... etc

    public class Gretting
    pubulic class DisplayBusinessPlan

    variables, obects, and keywrods start with lowercasee (using camel case):
    totalScore = firsthalfScore + secondHalgScores;

Comments and using the system Namespaces:
    program comments :

    line comments  : //
    block comments : /* */

using system namespace :        using System.console =>    WriteLine("blach blach");


Compiling and Executing a C# program :

compile the program :  converting your code into machine language 
you can compile either CLI or IDE ;

CLI :   csc blach.cs


if you get OS erroer message =>  check missepll, location of the file ,

if you get programming languege erroer msg = > your syntax has erroer   writeLine => WriteLine => case sensitive  

Lectuer 2 


Lecture2  Using Data 

2.1 Decalre Variables

if data item is constant , you can not change the variable 

data type : int , double, decimal, char, string ,and bool 

ex)   int myAge = 29; 
variable name is myAge
datat type is int 
initial value is 29
initalized the valued with 29 

initalize :   int myAge = 25;
assigns   :   myAge = 50;

declare variable without initialization : 

int myAge; 

but you can only use it once you assign the value in it  

Lecture 2 

Lecture2  Using Data 


2.1 Declare Variables


if data item is constant , you can not change the variable 


data type : int , double, decimal, char, string ,and bool 

ex)   int myAge = 29; 

variable name is myAge

datat type is int 

initial value is 29

initalized the valued with 29 



initalize :   int myAge = 25;

assigns   :   myAge = 50;


declare variable without initialization : 


int myAge; 


but you can only use it once you assign the value in it  





2.2 Display Variables values


double variableName = 6.18;




Display values :

WriteLine("My age is {0} years old ", myAge);



 Vaiable Alignment ;        

 WriteLine("{0, -8}{1, 8}", "Richard","Lee")

 WriteLine("{0, -8}{1, 8}", "Skyler","Bang") 

 WriteLine("{0, -8}{1, 8}", "Ed","JanmeRU")



  int myAge = 20;
            WriteLine("My age is {0} years old ", myAge);

2.3 Use integral data type


Store the whole numbers 

you can only put _  not , 




2.4 Use floating-point data types


contains decimal positions

-flaot ,  up to 7 digit

-double , up to 15, or 16 ; most of time you use this 

-decimal , 28 or 29



put F => float

put D => double

put M => decimal

put E => exponent 

put C => currency?


fotmatting floating-point values :



  double num = 123;

            string numString;

            numString = num.ToString("F2");

            WriteLine(numString); /// 123.000;


            string numString2;

            numString2 = num.ToString("F3");


 double num = 123;
            string numString;
            numString = num.ToString("F2");
            WriteLine(numString); /// 123.00;

            string numString2;
            numString2 = num.ToString("F3");
            WriteLine(numString2);  /// 123.000

            double money = 123123;
            string conversion;
            conversion = money.ToString("c");
            WriteLine(conversion);   /// currency format  $123,123.00


2.5 Use arithmetic opertors


arithmetic operators :  addition , subtraction , multiplicatoin , divisoin , and reamainder ; 

Shortcut arithmetic : 


a += a * b 


a = old a * b ; 


-= , *= , 

increment :

 someValue++ (prefix), someValue++ postfix:  somaValue = someValue + 1 ;

Decrement :

 somveValue-- , --someValue



 prefix :  ++a   : value of a chagnes 

 postfix :  a++   : dosent change


2.6 Use the bool data type


True or False ;


Comparison :


comapres ==   (* = is just assigne)





2.7 Describe numeric type conversion



x is int 

y is double 


z = x+y is implicitly converted and become double;



double x = 5.73


int x => become 5 




2.8 use the char data type 


Char data type :  you cant use in arithmetic statement 


char letter = 'A'; or  char letter = '\u0041'




2.9 use the string data type 


string : holds a series of characters ;


can compare  == and != ;

equal(), Comapre()and ComapareTo()






string word = "word"

word.Substring(0,1) is "w";

word.Substring(0,2) is "wo";

word.Substring(0, word.Length) is "word";






2.10 Define named constants 


constants, such as pi 



2.11 Accept console input 


Convert Class :

userInput = ReadLine()

userInputPrice = Convert.ToDouble(UserInput)



Parse() Methode :


userInputPrice = double.Parse(UserInput)

userInputPrice = double.Parse(ReadLine)

score = int.Parse(ReadLine)


  string name1 = "sky";
            string name2 = "sky";
            string name3 = "scar";

            WriteLine(" compare {0} to  {1} : {2}", name1, name2, name1 == name2);
            WriteLine(" compare {0} to  {1} : {2}", name1, name3, name2 == name3);



Lecture 3 

3.1 Understand logic- planning tools and decision making 



 3 ways of logic- planning 


 Pseudocode :  with plain English statement to plan the logic 

 Flowchart : each step with arrow  indicates the different types of instructions 

 Sequence structure : step by step 


flowchart structure

 Decision structure : program progress by the result of the choice ?  


  its like one way or mulitple routre to the end of the goal 





3.2 Make decisions using if statments 


if statement :  used to make a signle -alternative decision 




{what to do }



Nested if :  decision strucutres contained within antoehr. 

               * if an outer level if is false then inside if will be ignored. 




 WriteLine(" Please input one number : ");
            int inputNum = int.Parse(ReadLine());
            int low = 2;
            int high = 7;

            //WriteLine(" Your input is : {0} ", inputNum);

            if (inputNum > low)
                if(inputNum < high)
                    WriteLine(" Your numer {0} is between {1} and {2}", inputNum, low, high);



* important  that  in the condition  if()  you always use == two equal sign :

     num = high  :  assign "high" in th num variable ;

     num == high : compare num and high value 


3.3 Make decision using if-else


dual -alternative decisions :   have two possible resutlign actions 


 two actions upon the result of the if condition :  true ? or false : both will result in dieffrent actions 


   Write(" Please input one number : ");
            int inputNum = int.Parse(ReadLine());
            int high = 7;
                if (inputNum < high)
                    WriteLine(" Your numer {0} is lower than  {1}", inputNum,  high);
                else {
                WriteLine(" Your numer {0} is higher than  {1}", inputNum,  high);
            ReadKey();  // if you want your output freeze in the screen.


3.4 use compound expressions in if statements 


you can combine mutiple decision in to a single if statment :


AND : &&  determine weather both fo the condition is ture :  both have to be true

OR : || determiend weather one of the condition is ture  : one of the conditoin is true 

<pic> <pic>


 you can combine && and || together in one expression,  morelikly && will prcess first 

 so you have to use    ( a || b) && c 




3.5 Make decisions using switch statements 


Switch structure : tests a single variable against a series of exact mathces 


switch  :  

case    : follow by one of the possible vaoue that equal to switch expresssion

break   :  terminates a switch 

default :

 Write(" Please write which year you in ? : ");
            int year = int.Parse(ReadLine());

                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:
                    WriteLine(" WTF you ?");
                    break;rite(" Please write which year you in ? : ");
            int year = int.Parse(ReadLine());

                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:
                    WriteLine(" WTF you ?");




3.6 use the conditional operator 



testExpression ? trueResult : falseResult ;


WriteLine((testScore >= 60)) ? "pass" : "Fail" );

=> if the tesscore is over 60 => pass 


biggerNum = (a >b ) ? a:b

=> bigger number comesout





3.7 Use the NOT operator


 !=  not same 


3.8 Avoid common errors when making decisions 


Rangecheck ; make sure your statement range is specified ranged   



if statement :  used to make a signle -alternative decision 








3 Loops methodes 

using it depdend on the problem / developer 




Looping allow program to do reapeat tasks based on Boolean expression.


Loop body :  block of stament in looping structure 


reulst is true : keep looping

result in false :  exit the loop  


iteration =  1 loop 






4.1  Create loops unsing the while Statmenet 



while :


while loop = looping until the some condition is TRUE ;  as soon as the conidion beceom false exit the loop



infinite loop :  you make silly mistake and become never end the loop; 

 1. loop control variable should initlized;

 2. loop control variable must be tsetd ;

 3. body of the llop must take some action that alters the value of the loop control variable ;


//while loop

            int number1 = 1;

            int limit = 5;

            while (number1 < limit)
                WriteLine(" hi this is while loop {0}", number1);

            WriteLine(" End of the loop" );


becareful where is the variable ?    begining / in the end ? 


depend on where is the evaluation  there is some difference





definite loop  :  loop that has nubmer of iteration is already set ;

indefinite loop : user input will end the loop;

sentinel value : value such as Yes or No by user;s input ;  every iteration it will ask user to continue





4.2  Create loops using the for statement 



usually use for the defnite loops , 

using step value ; 

this make the program shorter than while loop


iniitailizing , testing , updating ;

variables only exist in the loop;


multiple line from do-while loop  => one line to the for loop;

most commonly used loop ;


<pic> <pic>


3 things in one line in for loop ,

 int x;

            for (x=1; x < 5; x++){
                WriteLine("hi is is for loop {0}" , x);





4.3 Create (do- while )loops using the do staement 


do loop 


it will always enter the loop without testing 


while loop and for loop are pre-test loops =control variable is tested before the loop body excited;

do-while loop is post-test loop = control variable is tested after the loop body excuted;


int number1 = 1;

            int limit = 10;

                WriteLine(" hi this is while loop {0}", number1);

            while (number1 < limit);
            WriteLine(" End of the loop");

do-while loop will do (extue ) without test at least first time 



4.4 Use nested loops



inner loop and outer loop (similiar wirh if )

* important : inner loop has to be insde the outer loop 

               loops will never overlap


//nested loops

            double bankBal;
            double rate;
            int year;
            const double START_BAL = 1000;
            const double START_INT = 0.04;
            const double INT_INCREASE = 0.02;
            const double LAST_INT = 0.08;
            const int END_YEAR = 5;
            for (rate = START_INT; rate <= LAST_INT; rate += INT_INCREASE)
                bankBal = START_BAL;
                WriteLine("Starting bank balance is {0}", bankBal.ToString("C"));
                WriteLine(" Interest Rate : {0}", rate.ToString("P"));
                for(year = 1; year <= END_YEAR; ++year)
                    bankBal = bankBal + bankBal * rate;
                    WriteLine(" After year {0}, bank balance is {1}", year, bankBal.ToString("C"));

// odometer

            int pos100, pos10, pos1;
            int MAX = 10;

            for (pos100 = 0; pos100 < MAX; ++pos100)

                for (pos10 = 0; pos10 < MAX; ++pos10)
                    for (pos1 = 0; pos1 < MAX; ++pos1)
                        WriteLine("{0} :{1} : {2}" , pos100, pos10, pos1);




4.5 Accumulated totals 


Garbarge value = unknown value ; it happens when you dont initalize ;



4.6 Understand how to improve loop performance 


consider the order of evaluation

do ++Value not value++

loop fusion,  putting two loops together in one evaultion


++X and X++ are same but ++X is faster  



while loop = loop excite when the value is ture 

for loop = loop for if you know how many iteratoin

do-while loop = check the bottom of the loop after one repetition 



Lecture5 Array


5.1 : Declare an array and assin values to array elements



Array : list of data item have the same data type ;

        - if one data is int every element in the array are all integer => 

           we call them as integer array ;


           subscrpt = index ;



Declaring array :



           sales = new[20]  or 


           double []sales = new double[20];



new operator : used to create object ;   [20] : 20 spearte elements ;

  create different elemetns ;


Array element : each object 

subscript = index: position of the element 

  array  staring fomr 0 -> "Off by one" : remeber to count from 0 



Assiging element in array :  sales[0]  = 2100;

getting the array element : WriteLine(sales[19]);





Array as object in C# but not all the languages take array as object;


1. Declare the array ;

2. You have to intiliize it 

    default value  bool =false ; Numeric field = 0; Char field = null or \u000



Differnet ways to declare the array 


 1) int [] myScroes = new int[5]{99 , 100 ,59, 40 ,10}

 2) int [] myScroes = new int[]{99 , 100 ,59, 40 ,10}

 3) int [] myScroes = {99 , 100 ,59, 40 ,10}




5.2 : Access array elements


Length property : System.Array class

array's length can get via array.Length 


            int[] myScores = { 100, 90, 80,70, 59 };
            WriteLine(" Array size is {0}", myScores.Length);
            for (int x = 0; x < myScores.Length; ++x)

            int[] myScores2 = { 100, 90, 80, 70, 59 };
            WriteLine(" Array size is {0}", myScores.Length);
            foreach(int score in myScores2)
                WriteLine("{0}", score.ToString());
            }     array + loop : <code>



5.3 : Search an array suing a loop


1. array + loop : 

this is useful you want to show part of the array ;  




    2. array for each : 

 foreach statement : used in array ; list element in array you want to print :


   *foreach (int _name in arrayName )

      WriteLine("{0}", _name.Tostring(""));


   you cant not change the value  its read only 

   and its shows all the array   


  *  search student's grade

  this is sequential search (from beginning to the end );

  Parallel arrays : secon array to hold the corresponding data ;


            string[] studentName = { "adam", "sky", "abc", "danny ", "tom", "simon" };
            int[] studentScore = { 90, 90, 40, 60, 50, 20 };
            string name;
            int score = 0;
            bool isPass = false;

            Write("  Plese input the  name of the studnet : ");
            name = ReadLine();

            for(int x = 0; x < studentName.Length; ++x)
                if( name == studentName[x])
                    isPass = true;
                    score = studentScore[x];
                    x = studentName.Length; // to improve the loop efficiency;
            if (isPass)
                WriteLine(" The score of {0} is {1}", name, score);
                WriteLine(" No student with that name");
            }  <code >


 using while loop to get maximum efficient 

 while( x < studentName.length && name = studentName[x]) ;


 when the input value is same from the   




5.4 : Use the Binary Serach(), sort(), and Reverse() methods;


Array.BinarySearch(): find the element in the array  

                       - no dubuplicated 



                       Array.BinarySEarch(array_name , input); 



Array.Sort(): sort an array element   ( lowst- > highets)  (alphatic order)





Array.Reverse(): reverse the order of elements



using static System.Array() = to use BinarySearch(),Sort(),Reverse( )





5.5 use multidimensional arrays 


One -dimensional (single-dimensional array);


multidimenional array :  


double [,] sales = {{xx, xx,xx,xx},

{xx, xx,xx,xx},

{xx, xx,xx,xx}}


