[TIL] 0916 면접 면접 면접

-어레이 , 리스트 , 링크드 리스트 ,
- 호이 스팅 , 부하분산,
- 7layers
-MVP Pattern
는 주말동안 찾아보기로하자.
-컴파일언어 / 인터프리터 언어
- TS는 컴파일언어
-JS는 인터프리턴언어
-Go Langugage
- 면접후기
오늘 진행한 면접 두곳다 지금까지본 면접중에 제일 분위기가 좋았고, 질문들도 신기했고, 재밌는 면접이였던것같다.
- 코드브릭 면접
유니콘을 넘어서는 데카콘의 미래를가진 인도네시아 플랫폼 회사.
면접하면서 이렇게 솔직하고 편안한 분위기에서 대답을 한건 처음인것같다.
특히 파트타임보다 코드브릭에서 풀타임안에 짧고굵게 하면서 학업을하는게 좋을지도 모른다는 조언도해주시고
여기서 일을하게된다면 내 자신에게도 앞으로 성장가능성이 엄청 높아질거거같은 느낌이 드는곳이였다.
비록 서류통과로 화상면접뿐이였지만 이런곳에서 면접기회를 주신것에 감사하면서 면접을 마쳤다.
-언더워치 면접
현재 거의 초기의 상태의 회사인데, 일단 서비스가 굉장히 신박한 ? 서비스였다.
경쟁사 모니터링및 컨설턴트 플랫폼인데, 기존의 회사들은 큰돈을들여 위기관리 등을 위한 컨설턴트를받지만,
비교적 규모가작은 회사나 스타트업들은 그런 컨설턴트를받지못하니, 스타트업 회사들이 사용할수있는 서비스인것같다.
면접은 실리콘벨리에 계신 엔지니어분과 함께했는데, 다른면접들과는 다르게, 오픈북형식의 질문을 주셨고
화면을 공유하면서 주어진 질문을 답하기위해 어떻게 검색하는지 관찰? 하셨다.
DB에대하여 생각해볼수있는 질문도주셨다.
1. 컨설턴트 ,컨설턴드관리자, 구독자, 구독자관리자 라는 4가지 카테고리가있을때 어떻게 user db를 설정을 하겟나?
2. 혹시 한가지의 db(mongdo db)를가지고도 위 4개의 user db를설정할순없을까?
3. AWS code deploy vs AWS amplify
Amplify :
The AWS Amplify Console is a continuous deployment and hosting service for modern web applications with serverless backends. Modern web applications include single page app frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue, and static-site generators like Jekyll, Hugo, and Gatsby.
AWS CodeDeploy is a service that automates code deployments to any instance, including Amazon EC2 instances and instances running on-premises. AWS CodeDeploy makes it easier for you to rapidly release new features, helps you avoid downtime during deployment, and handles the complexity of updating your applications. You can use AWS CodeDeploy to automate deployments, eliminating the need for error-prone manual operations, and the service scales with your infrastructure so you can easily deploy to one instance or thousands.
Compare AWS Amplify Console vs AWS CodeDeploy
AWS Amplify Console vs AWS CodeDeploy: Which is better? We compared these products and more to help you find the perfect solution. Let us and our comparison database help you with your research.
4. AWS code deploy vs AWS code pipeline
AWS CodeDeploy belongs to "Deployment as a Service" category of the tech stack, while AWS CodePipeline can be primarily classified under "Continuous Deployment".
AWS CodeDeploy: Coordinate application deployments to Amazon EC2 instances. AWS CodeDeploy is a service that automates code deployments to Amazon EC2 instances. AWS CodeDeploy makes it easier for you to rapidly release new features, helps you avoid downtime during deployment, and handles the complexity of updating your applications;
AWS CodePipeline: Continuous delivery service for fast and reliable application updates. CodePipeline builds, tests, and deploys your code every time there is a code change, based on the release process models you define.
AWS CodeDeploy belongs to "Deployment as a Service" category of the tech stack, while AWS CodePipeline can be primarily classified under "Continuous Deployment".
Some of the features offered by AWS CodeDeploy are:
- AWS CodeDeploy fully automates your code deployments, allowing you to deploy reliably and rapidly
- AWS CodeDeploy helps maximize your application availability by performing rolling updates across your Amazon EC2 instances and tracking application health according to configurable rules
- AWS CodeDeploy allows you to easily launch and track the status of your deployments through the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI
On the other hand, AWS CodePipeline provides the following key features:
- Workflow Modeling
- AWS Integrations
- Pre-Built Plugine
AWS CodeDeploy vs AWS CodePipeline | What are the differences?
AWS CodeDeploy - Coordinate application deployments to Amazon EC2 instances. AWS CodePipeline - Continuous delivery service for fast and reliable application updates.
Unicorn, Decacorn, Hectocorn :
Decacorn, Unicorn, and Hectocorn Definition
With the development of technology and the ever-changing consumer behaviors, the number of new startup companies keeps increasing. According to the latest data from Startup Ranking (startupranking.com), with its 2,188 startup companies, Indonesia is ranked
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