[TIL] 프로젝트 스프린트1
Fresh pair of eyes 는 그냥 하는말인줄알앗는데, 아닐수도
지금까지 뭔가 그냥 일단 버그나는거 잡아서 고치고 문제없으면 넘어갔는데, 뭔가
나의 analysis가 다른 문제를 일으키진않을까 생각 해보는것도 나쁘지않은것같음.
SWOT analysis :
What is my strenth?
What is my weakness?
SWOT Analysis for Junior Engineer - Comparison with Colleague
-Demonstrates exceptional adaptability, seamlessly integrating into new environments and projects.
-Displays strong problem-solving skills, contributing to task completion and effective solutions.
-Thrives in challenging situations, utilizing a positive attitude and proactive approach.
-Possesses a strong curiosity for tech exploration, occasionally shifting focus without completing projects.
-Technical proficiency might be relatively weaker due to prior non-software engineering role as a system admin. However, this brings insights into system operations and business understanding.
-Ideal platform for skill enhancement, particularly in the technical domain, to bridge proficiency gaps.
-Valuable collaborator by leveraging comprehensive system operations and business insights.
-Opportunity to lead by example, demonstrating the impact of a holistic skill set on projects.
새로운 프로젝트 시작해서 , 못봣던 새로운 회사 제품 공부하고 ,
프로젝트 환경 셋업하고 , PDE 셋업하고, 정신없음...
- 아직 너무 초기라서 다른 팀에서 진행해야 내가 셋업할수있는게 많아서 블로커가 많음...
JWT 대충 쓰면 님들 코딩인생 끝남 - YouTube
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