[TIL] 0328

IT/TIL(Today I Learnt)|2022. 3. 29. 13:32

Today I Learnt 







몽고 db자채에있는  aggregate와 mongoose 의populate함수 비교 




Mongoose populate vs aggregate

I've noticed that .populate function in mongoose 4.7.3 runs separate queries on the database for each lookup: db.House .populate('ownerId') .exec((err, result) => { .. With aggre...



Here's a summary of the differences:


  • can only be used with aggregate
  • can only be used to pull in referenced documents from unsharded collections
  • can pull in referenced documents by any field
  • generally more performant as it's a server-side operation
  • requires MongoDB 3.2+

Mongoose populate()

  • can be used with find and aggregate
  • can be used to to pull in referenced documents from both sharded and unsharded collections
  • can only pull in referenced documents by _id
  • no MongoDB version requirement

차이점은 이렇게 정리되었다고하지만 그럼 속도는 뭐가더빠를까?




MongoDB Lookups and Populates: An Unexpected Journey

By Kunal Bhatt



document가 20개미만일때만, look up이빠르고 아니면 populate가더빠름. 





'MongoDB in Action'으로 정리해보는 MongoDB의 인덱스 개념

MongoDB in Action https://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=6876243 MongoDB in Action 몽고디비 인 액션 MONGODB나 NOSQL에 경험 없는 개발자를 위한 쉽고 실전적인 입문서『MONGODB IN ACTION 몽..



짧지만 중요한 오늘! TIL 끝


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